Finding Your Photographer's Eye

Finding Your Photographer’s Eye: Discovering & Capturing Your Creative Photography Vision

90 Minutes

We all know the works of Ansel Adams, Helmut Newton, and Cindy Sherman. How do we know these photographers? We simply know these photographers through their personal unique styles that draw a viewer into their realm of works. 

Whether you are picking up a camera for the first time or have been shooting for years, finding your photographer’s eye is key to creating your own unique style of photography.  There is no final destination to this quest, but rather, a never-ending exercise in “seeing”, experimenting, creating, and ultimately, loving every minute of the journey.

Finding Your Photographer's Eye


This Workshop is a MUST for anyone looking to get beyond taking just snapshots. Through creative exercises, examples, and experiments, this Workshop will inspire you to shoot images you truly love and to reach new levels of image creation using your powers of imagination, awareness, and observation. 

Topics to be covered include:

  • What makes a good photograph
  • The barriers to creativity and how to overcome them
  • Choosing or creating a subject of your photograph
  • Top visual preferences of viewers of photography
  • Tips for avoiding the creation of a cliche image
  • Style and balance
  • Keys to creating better pictures
  • Tips on finding your own photographer’s eye and unique style
  • And so much more!

We are all unique and will be headed in different directions with what and how we shoot.  Some may like photographing people, landscapes, animals, kids or flowers, etc.  Be ready to ask about your specific direction so we can help everyone on their journey.


Requirements: You must bring a portfolio of 20 of your favorite photos (not necessarily your own), PREFERABLY IN PRINT. Photos can be developed in 4×6 prints if they are your own photos. There will be outdoor class exercises toward the end of the workshop, so please bring your camera, plenty of hydration, and dress accordingly! 


For more info or to schedule a workshop, please contact Dawn at