facial expressions

It’s All in the Eyes

It’s All in the Eyes

They say “the eyes are the windows to the soul” and they would be right. An extraordinary headshot or portrait should portray one’s character and essence. The eyes can express a great deal about one’s being. This is why the most important feature for most photographers to get tack sharp when capturing an image of a person is the eyes.

Comparison of expressions of the eyes

Comparison of facial expressions. Which is a more effective portrait?


I love capturing the facial expressions of my subjects in my photography when they express meaning and purpose because it represents strength and resilience. Wider eyes tend to express fear or uneasiness while more softened eyes express intention and confidence.

Examples of expressions of the eyes

Expression of uneasiness versus an expression of purpose.


Whether I shoot headshots or portraits, I generally tell a nervous client or a client who is not sure how to show expression in their face to “soften your eyes” or “smile with your eyes”-depending on the look I’m trying to capture-as it’s my job, as a photographer, to relax and capture the best version of my subject.


No matter what type of image you are capturing of your subject-be it a headshot, portrait, or a fashion image; always keep in mind that the eyes are a strong element composing the facial expression. The facial expression can make or break the feel of an image.

Posted by Dawn Wayand in Models, Photography